Monday, October 08, 2007

I Said Hallelujah To The Sixteen Loyal Fans

To all of you who come back, day after day, to visit mi vida loca...

And I wouldn't have it any other way.
And thanks.


Anonymous said...

i (for one) don't believe there's only 16.

Dorion Rose said...

de rien mon ami.

Laura said...

Franko, you're a doll.

Alas, the truth is that I have fewer than 16 dedicated viewers. I have never been one to get my link on, and that has certainly limited my hit count. Also, the couple of links I used to have to my site are no more. ( that YOU'RE back...and I'M 'bout relinking...) And anyone else out there who'd care to, go for it!!

I kinda like the coziness, to be honest. But a few more of you might like to jump in and leave comments--c'mon, it's FUN!!

And Gern? What's that mean? Babelfish leads me to believe you think I'm nothing. Or something like that. 8^)

Laura said...

Oh, and the title of the post about the 16 loyal fans is actually a lyric from 'Battleflag' by Lo Fidelity Allstars.

Here's the song over clips of a Japanese movie called 'Ping Pong'.

Coincidentally, that was the song playing while that groovy pic of me was taken. 'Twas a girlie dance party all over Lorelei's dining room floor.

Anonymous said...

YEEEAAAH, HOSE-NIBBLER!! We done played it UP!
Booty-shakin', lipstick-flakin', world-wide-quakin' while we solve the equaaation...

You know you're my favorite sexual intellectual.
Like, EVER.
(boys? take it as you will.)

Ya know... now that I see that yet another whacked-out Asian film has been sucked into Cinema Americana,

...Even if it's good and silly in the remake...
...I feel bad.

Stupid no-brainers stole. They deserve farties on the face!

Laura said...

DAMN, I LOVE this photo--how it looks like an a-bomb just exploded outta the top of my head.

Cuz that's what my head feels like for real, most days. And especially now (*reaches for aspirin*) I hope I'm not getting sick. I really wanna go see the baby tomorrow morning...

Anyhoots, excellent fo-toggin' Llei.

Dorion Rose said...

de rien: is the common reply to thank you or 'merci.' it does translate as 'it's nothing' but it's intended meaning is 'your welcome.'

Like I should be teaching French.
I order a drink and I get a fish. .
boisson, poissons, WTF?!

Anonymous said...

...And here I was, thinking you said something to the effect of 'You're from the Queen, my buddy!"

And I took French in highschool back in 1927.


Laura said...

I order a drink and I get a fish.

At least you didn't get a mistress.
Now THAT would've cost you a pretty livre!!

Laura said...


...Mlle Poisson = Mme de Pompadour...

...Louis XV's mistress and pretty much the de facto ruler of France during her reign...

A little too obscure???

ANYBODY get that one??

Laura said...

rien = nothing

reine = queen

rein = KIDNEY?? not king? oh...yeah...that's 'roi'.

I took a semester of French freshman year of high school back in 1897.

So, to get this straight:

"de rien" = "de nada" = "ain't no thang, you skanky ho"

okee it. 8^D

Anonymous said...

Voulez vous peepee la poisson? Ah, oui! Baguette sans la buerre, ok! Cafe? Avec creme de la poisson? Ultra cool! Cherche por le 'Crack' dans l'alleys tout-suite? J'aime! Vite! Vite! Regardez L'Hobo!

Anonymous said...

excuse-moi.... je ne comprende...or is it j'comprende rien...whats with all the frenchy talk people?....actually I'm going to Belgium for the weekend soon and had better be able to order my chips, beer and chocolate....I will always find the right language for those.......Laura, am I in the dedicated viewers club? hope so..

Laura said...

Absolutely, Dee. One of the most dedicated!!!

Anonymous said...

man, do i love french. and french speakers. merci, un et tout!

Anonymous said...

La petite croissant.. elle est sans marmalade.
C'est trais malade, sans la marmalade. Elle pleuva!

Dorion Rose said...

Guaby guaby coose won link un amby, es-sa-lay gamby. Jully-on tan-ya!

Arlo Guthrie

Laura said...

Arlo Guthrie??? Next thing ya know, yer gonna translate the entire saga of "Alice's Restaurant" into French for us.

Which would be an accomplishment, for sure, but would COMPLETELY fricassee my brain. If you wanna live with THAT on your conscience, go for it!!

(FYI: It's been almost 30 years since I took that semester of French. Honestly, all I remember from it is "C'est une moto" which means "It is a motorcycle". For someone who reads so much French history, I know very very little of the language--mostly just how people of quality addressed one another. And the word 'fronde', which, in addition to being an aristocratic uprising during Louis XIV's minority, also means 'slingshot'.)

Laura said...

And I know 'Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, c'est soir?'

But then, who doesn't??
(Thank you, Patti LaBelle.)

Laura said...

HEY DEE--when are you going to Belgium??? I thought I smelled cabbage...

no, seriously, it's so COOL how you people across the pond can just 'country jump' for the weekend. It's like me going to Wisconsin just to buy cheese (done it) or to Iowa just to buy (knew someone who did that).