Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Six months ago I played the ponies for the very first time.
Apparently, I backed the wrong horse.
I've never been much good at gambling.


Anonymous said...

Looks like the sign outside Deadhorse Alaska.


Anonymous said...


...So what happened NOW???

Laura said...

Nothing. I'm just a sucker for anniversaries, good or bad. This one is particularly bittersweet, as the horse isn't the only thing that died. The rabbit did, too.

p.s. I wasn't sleeping--I was bearing my already overly raw soul at therapy. I'll call after I eat some lunch and before I hit my homework.

Laura said...

'Bittersweet' may seem a strange choice of words. To clarify:

The night in question was wonderful. Incredibly pleasurable. And the promise of some kind of future together, wildly intoxicating.
But the aftermath of our brief reconciliation has been nothing but pain-filled for me.
Growth-inducing, to be sure. But no less difficult to face, even with the knowledge that I'm coming out of the experience stronger than I've ever been before.

Hence, the memory of the entire experience...a mixture of the bitter and the sweet. Plus, I've never been one to see things in terms of black and white. There are measures of good and bad in all experience. Even this one.


Laura said...

On a lighter note...Gern, what is your connection to Deadhorse, AK? (Or perhaps it ISN'T on a lighter note--I hate to presume).

Anyhoots, give us the lowdown...

Anonymous said...

This will be anti-climatic but, I have no affiliation with the town of Deadhorse. I have not been there. I know nobody who has lived there or has been there. I can probably safely assume nobody in Deadhorse has heard of or knows me. Deadhorse has been and will probably remain gern-free. Visiting Deadwood is not in my short term plans nor is it on any long term list of goals that I might maintain. I possess no animosity toward the people of Deadhorse nor do I possess any passion or emotion for them either.
Deadhorse is merely a town I meandered over will perusing a map of Alaska. It's odd name and isolated location intrigued me enough to retain it and spill it forth on your blog. I may never mention Deadhorse again. . or I may as a future incident may dictate. This I don't know.
I just can't be sure. .*sigh*

Laura said...

Perusing a map of Alaska.
Sounds like some shit I would do.
I'm weird that way, too--used to read encyclopedias as a kid just for fun.
My favorite book is the dictionary.

Well, well. Okee dokee. 'Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for my curtness, poopiepants. As always, I endeavor to be more patient.

It just sucks when I have friends who feel hurt over that which does not merit it.

In the words of Gern (let's call 'em "Gerns")--
I have no plans of visiting Deadhorse/ Deadwood.

I hear the people blow donkey-ass, and the population is at an all-time noooooo.

Laura said...

Don't worry, baby. I'm at the end of my tether on this one. Just...one...more...post...and I'll be sending that horse to the glue factory for good, at least as far as this blog is concerned.