Monday, July 31, 2006

The Horrible Truth About Burma (or That's When I Reach For My Digital Camera)

The horrible truth is that after 25 years of being a fan, yesterday was the first time I actually ever saw Mission of Burma perform live. Granted, they were broken up for 19 of those years, but still. I always felt some sort of tenuous connection with MoB--my first real boyfriend was best friends with Clint Conley (bass player/singer--center stage above) so I actually hung out with Clint several times back in Boston in 1983. Usually at one punk club or another. Nice guy. Nice smile. I was flattered that he treated me with respect and kindness. Not the typical punk rock bullpoop one usually experiences (especially from bass players <--um...just a little self-defecating humor, seeing as I myself am a bass player type 8^D).

Anyhoo, I'm glad I got to finally see them perform. Definitely worth the 23-year wait plus the price of admission, which was free for me--thanks Lorelei & Darren!!

Tongues for Everyone

No doubt about it...the girl loves her tongue.

Golden Meanie

Actually, he was very nice.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


...just a slow shutter speed and too much Ritalin.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Got Wood?

Jasper sez I look like one of the characters in a video golf game he has.
(p.s. the title of this post was his idea. the kid's learning fast.)

Danny Senior

Man, I can't believe no one picked him out. Isn't 'Danny Senior' like the most uber-All-American-type name you can imagine? Isn't this kid like the most uber-All-American-circa-1972 kid you've ever seen??? Wouldn't you naturally put those two clues together?? And I thought guessing him was a no-brainer...

Oh well. Hey, thanks to everyone who played. It was fun.
Maybe I should post pics of my most recent crush and see if you can pick HIM out...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Pee Wee's HairHouse

C'mon in...and pull yerself up a chair
Let the fun's time yer hair...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


He was my very first crush. And with a name like Danny Senior, I'm sure it won't be too difficult to figure out which one he is. Go on...give it a shot.

I'll show y'all which one he is tomorrow.
(p.s. In case you didn't know this, you can click on ANY of the pics to make them MUCH bigger.)

Now...let the guessing begin.

Monday, July 24, 2006

An admonition for clean living? Hardly.
Just a shopping list written for my brother by his then-4-year-old son, Dylan.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Not Right in the Head

A fondness for the letter 'G' is a sure sign of insanity.

(p.s. Cool letterhead font. Especially for a nuthouse.)


Contrary to appearances, I really DON'T like it when things blow up.

43 Harrison

It's getting there...
And I was wrong about the opening.
It's next SATURDAY...but that's still all I know.
Barbara? Any info you can add??

FLASH!! NOW the opening is set for August 5. This time it's official.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Off to the Gallery...

And I'm remembering to bring the camera today--perhaps I'll have pics of the progress for y'all tonight. Update: the opening is either next Thursday or Friday (I'll find out today) and the gallery is at 43 Harrison Street. I ought to have all the final details soon... to sweat and get full of paint...and whatever else...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Environmentally Friendly

Johnny Dekalb always writes the most hilarious postcards whether he means to or not. This one is from 1998 and was in a pile o' stuff I was looking through tonight.

I need a slide scanner. Pronto. And a better camera.
Or you people are gonna be reading my old mail a lot more often.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Fashion Faux Pas

Just a thought: Curators of historical costume exhibits may want to re-think the headless mannequin when presenting fashions of the Ancien Regime. Or at least incorporate a head basket into the scene for historical accuracy.
And leave the poor sans culottes alone!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Splendor in the Grass


Wedding reception fun for kids.
(And me, too...but thankfully no pics of that!)

Buddies for Life

When you have a child with someone,
it's always a nice thing to remain close if you can.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Crap. I forgot my camera at the wedding reception. And I've got so much post-celebratory energy in my system right now that sleep is definitely out of the question--damndamn, I really wanted to look at the pics from today. Oh's a reception pic from my friend Jeff's wedding in 2001 which ought to tide you over until tomorrow.

There's something about this pic that I love--I think it's that Weegee candid high society nightlife feel it has to it.

Here: Weegee

Friday, July 14, 2006

Casual Friday

It got awfully hot going through Barbara's storage shed this afternoon, looking for decorative accoutrements for the gallery space. And I was wearing hot, bulky jeans. So Babs (as we like to call her when we're feeling especially frisky) offered to lend me a pair of her daughter's shorts. Well, these actually belong to a friend of her 12-year-old daughter. Who lets their prepubescent child WEAR something like this, anyway?? My sorting ensemble was quite humorous, actually, as it was bottomed off with my Docs and white sport socks. KLASSY, eh?? Anyhoo, they got me through the heat of the day a little more comfortably, so who am I to complain?

p.s. Update on gallery/show stuff--Dean, the 'other' partner wants to open next week and is making a bit of a stink about it. But he doesn't seem particularly invested in doing the work which would guarantee that all is good to go by then. As I've got a wedding to go to tomorrow, and Barbara is out of town Sun-Tue, I suspect the following week is a more realistic goal. (For anyone in the Chicagoland area, the gallery is on Harrison Street in Oak Park--just west of Austin--which is sort of an 'Art District' with lots of small galleries. Once I get the final hee-haw about date/time etc... I will post it here).

I showed Barbara some of my work this morning and we decided to go with some of my older stuff for this first show--some of the pieces I'm working on now will fit better in a future show dealing with erotica (yay--gives me more time to struggle with them/have them 'evolve') Not to say that the pieces I'm putting in this first show DON'T have an erotic aspect to them--most of my work does in some way--it's just that the new stuff deals with issues of sexuality (especially within the context of 'relationships') more directly. Anyway, it was good to get some feedback from her and to have input on some of the issues I usually struggle with--how a piece can be shown to best effect, how to pull disparate elements together more cohesively--that kind of stuff. Barbara has had a gallery before and has a knack for pulling it all together. Which is a godsend, cuz I've never had any clue...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Green Eyes

'Is it the sun that makes them so green?
Those are the prettiest eyes I have ever seen.'


Spent the afternoon working on the gallery space.
At the moment, the floor is a real piece of work in and of itself.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I Want My EMTv...

Congratulations Lorelei!!
Ah, my girl...she's all growed up and starting paramedic training on Monday.

(p.s. How you like my half-assed Photoshop cut n' paste technique--tres amateur, oui?)