Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ticked Off

Unbeknownst to me, I got bit by a stupid fucking tick at some point in the last month. Maybe while camping? Maybe during one of my many hikes in the woods? Maybe that day I spent 3 hours at an estate sale digging out monster ferns from a heavily overgrown woodland garden Or maybe it WAS at that farm sale in West Chicago where I was squatting in front of all those mouse-eaten boxes of crap strewn about on the ground while wearing shorts. After all, the chiggers found my twat that day. Why not one tiny l'il disease-carrying tick?

Well, regardless of WHERE I got bit, the result is that I may now have Lyme Disease. I am incredibly grateful that we caught it this early, and as much as it bites (heh heh) having to endure the nausea (and vomiting) and headaches and sun sensitivity and all the other side-effects of this course of nasty-ass antibiotics I'm on, I am incredibly grateful that it didn't have a chance to brew any longer inside of me. Later-stage Lyme disease can be pretty dire.

I am starting to think that maybe there really ARE no coincidences. I happened to mention the now-healed bite site to my doc during our routine bi-monthly appointment. If that appointment had been a week later, I probably wouldn't have thought it even worth a mention. If the doctor hadn't asked whether there was anything else I had concerns about, I wouldn't have even brought it up. But these little blessings of timing and circumstance may just have saved me from the trials of yet ANOTHER chronic health problem. Someone or something is looking out for me this time around. (THANKS!!!)

Anyhoo--haven't been feeling up to much photo editing/posting lately. Mebbe once I'm done with these drugs (taking them makes me feel like I've got friggin' morning sickness all over again--I swear--'cept sometimes it goes on all day long). I've got loads of images to edit/post.

Soon everybody. Soon...


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Peeking Duck

I never eat anything with a head on it
cuz I don't like it to see me coming.

Uh...wait...that's not right...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Helter Skelter

When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide
Where I stop and I turn and I go for a ride
'Til I get to the bottom and I see you again

Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants
