Thursday, July 05, 2007

Waiting, Watching

I love cool blurs like this.


Anonymous said...

That is... MOST WEIRD. What do we have here?

I am... weirded out. Please tell me I am seeing a time-lapse of you receiving a loving smooch from Jasper, and not the inner circle of Wal-Mart parking lot Hell.

Laura said...

he's an antsy l'il critter, ain't he?? just a long exposure of the kid fidgeting in the Wal-Mart parking lot, waiting for the show to start.

(p.s. this is where I supposedly saw the fireworks last year during my Beer n' Ambien blackout--STILL c'aint r'member nuthin' 'bout it, tho'--only 'fireworks' I remember took place earlier in the evening...)