Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Cruciatus


Old Man Crowder said...

I don't even know what a cruciatus is.

I'm guessing a body part (Psst...I'll show you my cruciatus, if you show me yours!) or some painful afliction (man, this cruciatus is killing me!)

Am I close?

Laura said...

You're close with the 'painful affliction' definition. In short, the Cruciatus Curse is one of the three 'Unforgivable Curses' in the Harry Potter books.

here's a Wiki entry on them.

*Warning: some spoilers here, for those who don't wanna be spoiled--they list some characters who've been subjected to these various curses and some of 'em are in the newest book.

Crucio (Latin) means "I torture/crucify," originating from crux (genitive crucis), which means "cross." The word excruciating is descended from the same root: a crucifixion created a state of pain so intense that no existing word was adequate to describe it. Likewise, cruciatus means "torture, cruelty, suffering."

Any of you out there who are still under the impression that the Harry Potter books are strictly light children's fare are sorely misinformed. And any of you out there who would like to buy the new book for me--go for it...I haen't the expendible cash to do so at the moment. Too busy paying for psych meds and therapy...

Anonymous said...

Hey! I learned a nice, $5 word yesterday:

Callipygian. Say it with me: Kall-ih-pee-gee-un

...Basically means 'Nice, round butt!' or 'Baby Got Back!'

...I love working with nerds!

Laura said...

So, are those butt-enhancing jeans you got from Victoria's Secretions called 'callipyjeans'???

Anonymous said...

No, they're marketed as Sass-An-Assboost 3000.

Not like they do what they're told...