Friday, November 24, 2006

Prednisone Is Evil

Anybody know what'll to me happen if I just stop taking it?
Would I feel any sicker than I do already?
Cuz being on this shite is fucking awful.
God, I hate drugs.


Anonymous said...

It's been around so long that, yes, there's probably an alternative treatment (depending on what you're taking it for).

Have you told your doctor how much you're hating it? You might want to do that before you just drop the Pzone. There might be something they can do.

Laura said...

I just started taking it 5 days ago for my rotator cuff injury. Being the dummy I am, I never bothered to read the caveats beforehand. Anyhoo, talked with the prescribing doc yesterday and I'm currently doing an accelerated wean from the shit--which feels sucky in and of itself, but I think I've caught a sickness on top of everything, due to the Pzone's fine immune system suppressing qualities. As I said, it's EVIL.

P.S. Cletus: Another reason that just occurred to me for the first time this morning for the prevalence of the pain in my LEFT shoulder--years of playing a Rickenbacker 4001 bass--'tis an especially heavy motherfucker of an axe compared to others I've done strapped on. Add THAT to years of heavy-artbook-laden backpacks slung over that shoulder, repetitive-motion horticultural jobs (can you say 'pruning'?) and god-only-knows-what-else...oh, I'll tell ya what else--stuff. TOO MUCH STUFF. In bins and boxes. All around my home. Oh, and spending months helping friends clear out their storage units. And being a tennis player. And a powerlifter. And...'nuff said.

Time for some chicken broth and a nice horizontal spot to put my puky head again.

Anonymous said...

Yep, a life fully lived tends to wear on our chassis when we reach the age at which we find ourselves.

Better get a lightweight bass though, cuz we're still gonna start a band!!!!!

Meanwhile, I hope you feel better soon.