Thursday, November 09, 2006


What DO men want?
(And why is it never me?)


Anonymous said...

Aaaaah want what they want, when they want it, but dont know what it is when its right in front of them.....most of them cant find their own backside with their own hand, and all men are children deep down...but we cant keep from loving them can we?

Anonymous said...

Curious photo ... who is the lady?And I know this may sound stupid but could 'Ted' possibly be the policeman in the photo? Probably not but I just wondered...

Old Man Crowder said...

I think this is a picture of what this guy's wife ACTUALLY sees when he says: "I'd like you to meet Mary, Betty, Suzie and Lou-Anne. We're just friends."

And what do men what?


But they don't want to have to work for it. If there is effort involved, then they don't want it.

Lorelei said...

Oy, Oy, Oy, Oy, OY.

Lorelei said...

Right ON, Mizz Danger!!!
(clapping so sorely on the handies, here)

Laura said...

See what a little ambiguity gets ya? I never said men were pigs. Maybe I was saying I'M a pig. Maybe I'm saying that the lady in the picture is. Or that the reason no men want her is that she spends too much time rolling around in the mud. Maybe I smell like a porkchop (and if I do, is that bad?) are pigs.

Now, it's not unreasonable for y'all to assume that's what I meant, if you have any knowledge of or opinion on what's going on in my life lately. But y'all also know how adamant I am in not placing blame elsewhere, and how quickly I DO take it upon myself (even when I perhaps shouldn't). At any rate, this 'men are pigs' consensus isn't necessarily an expression of MY opinion at all...

It's just a thing I wanted to point out. I didn't post this pic/comment with any sort of agenda. But once the comments started coming in and they all were echoing the same sentiment, it made me think about how we read into ambiguous statements and can always seem to find a message/position--either our own or one perceived as one that the author is trying to send out.

Ambiguity is fine in art.

But if we choose to send our personal communications to others so obliquely, how can we not run into all sorts of misinterpretations when those messages are picked up? How is the other person to know whether or not a message is meant for him or her? Or even if something is a 'message' in the first place??

This post was actually never meant as a message TO anyone or ABOUT anyone. I just bought a handful of photos and was thinking of giving them to someone as a birthday present, and then decided to put this one up cuz I REALLY liked it (and also I'm behind on my photo editing).

There was no agenda to this post. And I must always assume that there is no agenda to any posts I read elsewhere. I have to assume that if someone wants to tell me something, they will. Up front. Like they ought to. And know that I will do the same. response to your comments:

Deirdre: couldn't have said it better myself. And it makes me sad.

OMC: some men don't want it even when there's no effort involved. but perhaps they see effort where I don't. so...hmmm...8^(

Lolly: Whaaa??? A portrait of Miriam Finklestein and her four sisters? Now that IS something to "Oy" about!

Babs: you suggesting I try a tuna diet instead?? How many times I got to tell you--I DON'T LIKE SEAFOOD!

lorelei: whazzup with the hands--already giving the tuna diet a go--tenderizing can be hazardous to your hand health!!

Lorelei said...

Hey, poo-face. 'Twas the caption on the foto what fer pegged personal commentary. Those who love you and want the bestest ever for you take notice of these thangs.

So "pphhhht"

Laura said...

I know that, Mrs. Bawkbagawk...and I appreciate the love everyone has fer me.