Monday, June 12, 2006

Vicodin is God

Sorry for the lack of updates. I spent the first part of the weekend helping my brother move into his new apartment in lovely Zion, Illinois (an ordeal which included the comical hoisting of a rather large and surprisingly heavy couch through a second-floor window--all because my Scorpio brother wouldn't accept the idea of an apartment with only ONE couch in it). And once that ordeal was over we immediately turned our attention to emptying out my parents' storage space (as long as we still had the truck) and dragging all the stuff back to Round Lake. By the time Sunday came 'round all I could think to do was lie on a couch under the influence of pain-relieving medication (yes, I DO have chronic low-back problems so the occasional use of prescription painkillers is officially sanctioned by the allopathic medical community 8^). and read myself a book. So that's what I did. Didn't have access to a functional scanner for photos either, so that made the idea of updating problematic, and the reality of vegging out all the more appealing. My apologies if you've been waiting for a new post to appear.

Anyhoots, I'm home for a few days now. Back on the posting track for a bit.


Anonymous said...

No - John Cleese as God.

This is kind of tied to your above post (eric idle) and probably won't make sense to anyone who has not seen Spamalot, but I don't care. Onward now Percy, onward...

Laura said...

I haven't seen Spamalot. You never take ME out to the fun stuff... 8^(

Anonymous said...

Hey, Laura, this pertains to your now-deleted post . . . just wanted you to know that I was the first anonymous, but not the second one.

Laura said...

Don't worry, I know that. 8^) I have my suspicions about who actually left that second message. You might as well.

Lisa said...
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Anonymous said...

Actually, I believe the other comment was left by someone who can empathize with each of us . . .

Laura said...

I'm very sorry to hear that--in so many ways.

Apparantly you were privy to more information than I had ever been.

Unfortunately, I find very little comfort in any of this news. It just makes me even sadder than I was before. For everyone involved.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, that was not my intent. I found comfort in knowing it "wasn't me." I hope you are less sad soon.