Monday, June 26, 2006

Ma Mere Ian

Girlfete Friday Night.
Good times with my new bestest friends.

Where credit is due:
To Lorelei for these wonderful photographs.
And to Barbara for her good humor and amplitude.
Thanks girls. Let's do it again soon.


Anonymous said...

Ah, I see one of you two redheaded beauties got yourself a new tatoo, and of an obscure older gentlemen no less.

Tres disturbed ladies, well worth the wait.
I see you are online now.

"Let me guess, 10:30"

Lorelei said...

Hahahaha! Men fear us! They cringe in our wake, we are so silly! Oh, the power!

Lorelei said...

It's a good look for you, woman!

Old Man Crowder said...

Awesome installations, I must say.

Laura said...

Yeppers, I agree.

Anonymous said...

Your new bestest friends huh? Lefty and Righty? You know what they say, if you've seen one, you've probably seen the other one.

Laura said...

Yeah, unless you're dating an Amazon.