Wednesday, February 06, 2008


All the Japanese you'll ever need to know.


Dorion Rose said...

Hey Laura,
I was stationed in Japan when I was in the service (Coast Guard) for a year. We got a list like this but since it was 1981 the sayings were more like "Can you please take me this address?" and "Excuse me, but I need a bathroom" or "My tractor seems to have caught my pants on fire and I need some water" . . .All right I made that last one up, but you get the idea. I would say this book is circa 1944 to 1947.
Peace, out.

Laura said...

Bingo!! I'll post the cover of the book in a sec.

My brother collects WWII memorabilia, so I'm sending it to him.

BTW, do you REMEMBER how to say those things? All I can do in Japanese is count to ten. I took an Akido class once and we had to do pushups on our knuckles and had to stay down there 'til we counted to ten. Needless to say, I learned fast. I hate pushups.

My big claim to fame: I can count to ten in 5 languages. Whoo.

Dorion Rose said...

Ichy nee sun shee go. ..
Laura, I still have this list but it is back in New York. Its an old ditto copy, I would love to send it to you.
Try to remind me in August! :-)

Laura said...

Ditto...August...gotcha. (yeah, right. Like I'm gonna remember THAT! 8^P)

Laura said...

oops. that sounded bitchy. what I meant was that I have A.D.D. -- I can hardly remember what I have to do next week!!

Anonymous said...

Love you are a polite well brought up young lady!

Laura said...

Awww...thank you.
*blushes in all the wrong places*

Hey Dee--didja get the email I sent you last week?

Anonymous said...

Itchy Bong-Bong Nee-wah!