Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Probably the only time I've gotten laid more than my brother.


Anonymous said...


It's not the quantity of the leis, it's the quaaaahhhhhlity of the lays.

I mean, REALLY: When have plastic flowers made YOU come?

Unless you get off on that sort of thing.

In which event, I shall shut up.

Laura said...

Right. A quality lei.

Now THERE'S something that's fairly hard to come by.

Dorion Rose said...

Wow Laura, your response is penetrated with double entendres. I never seen so many inserted in a sentence!
It's just hard to believe.
I hope there's more to come!

Ok, I'll shut up now. .

Laura said...

No, no...don't stop. If you keep banging away at that keyboard, you may just outdo the queen of innuendo.

It's been a while since my skills have been aroused to perform like this, so it may take a little more prodding to get me to slip into that full-throttle action I'm known for.

Now, if you don't mind, I must get back to my sewing--a medieval tunic out of a table cloth. Ahh, the things I do for my kid...

Old Man Crowder said...

How did you get all those? It doesn't look like you're at Mardi Gras!

Laura said...

My family had a luau. ALL the relatives done up in their best Kummonahwannalaya South Pacific garb.

We have an 8mm film of the day, culminating in a stop-motion SPFX dealy where everyone appears, one by one, into the frame. It was quite the crowd pleaser at our home movie nights.

Laura said...

I just sent my medieval artisan off to the castle of Sir Thomas Alva of Edison for his day of merriment.

Alas, we had a client/sempstress tiff while dressing him (he's SUCH a pubescent crab in the morning), so the pics I took are sub-par. Will take more later for posting.

In the meantime, the costume turned out pretty good--the only thing I'm dissatisfied with is that I had to substitute the groovy fur beret--which didn't fit on his noggin--with an Omar Sharif Doctor Zhivago hat that DID fit.

'Tis but a trifle.

Old Man Crowder said...
