Thursday, February 01, 2007



Anonymous said...

Is this your mama? looks like the heroine of a book....

Laura said...

Yep, that's my mama alright. She was very young in this photo--maybe around 14 or so.

And I think she DOES look like some sort of character from a book. Maybe, in keeping with my fairytale theme, Cinderella...stuck at home, wearing a babushka, dusting the bookcases while her sisters are out trying to make it with the prince.

It's another of my favorite photos.

Anonymous said...

She SHORE is purdy!

...What happened to YOU?

....Bwaaahahahahaaaa! You know I kid the pants off ya!
Like gawgeouse mummy, like exotic, doe-like daughtie...

Laura said...

"doe-like" as in "deer caught in the headlights"?? or as in "DOH!!-like Homer-Simpson-I-have-no-fucking-clue"???

Which are pretty much the same thing, I guess...

And to which I answer..."yep".

I been walking around all day saying to myself, 'he wanted 22 bucks, but I talked him down to 17'. If you know what I'm talking'm kinda scared for you...

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about ladies? or is it better if I don't know??

Laura said...

I'm sure she'll correct me if I'm wrong, but I think she was complimenting me--saying 'like mother, like daughter'.

Of course, being one who can't accept a compliment, I took the 'doe' reference and twisted all up to mean I'm clueless, like a deer caught in the headlights.

That 'he wanted 22...' reference--lyrics in a song called 'Detachable Penis' (a fave rave with me and my kid, btw)--just a weird tangential nonsequitor brainfart--been feeling like I've misplaced my mind lately. More than I USUALLY feel. And that lyric refers to this guy finding his detached penis being sold on a street corner next to a broken toaster by some stranger. 'He wanted 22 bucks, but I talked him down to 17'. Ahh...if only it were so easy to reclaim MY missing parts!! I could come up with the 17 bucks EASY in a coupla months' time 8^D.

ANYHOO. That's what THAT'S about. And if any of you had it figured before this explanation, well, as I said, I'm kinda scared for you as it would mean we're on the same page...

Laura said...

Next time I prolly should keep my piehole shut and just accept the damned compliment, eh??

erm....THANK YOU, Lorelei.

Anonymous said...

...And you're most welcome, oh Pie-hole Spilleth Over
(your Potowanami name)

AND it's spelled "non sequitur". BAM!

Anonymous said...

...And Holy Jameson! Girl!

Certain as Poo comes from an Ol' Fart, yessssss....
The complimenty-compliment for you IS of your looks.

You're not a fat child anymore.

You've grown (however painful)
from a chubby,
awkward boob
(i invite you to make the boobie jokes, OMC)
in to a
Strong, OmiGodMommyBear-Lady-Sort-HolySh**t

Okay? So
About this CRAP

You need to know
You make heads turn and
Roll And that


I am so retardedly lucky

To be your good friend.

I bow to you.

Anonymous said...

But I'm curious...

Who's the creepy girl in the corner? Anyone?

Anonymous said...

AND I think she's got a child beside her.

Oh, Lordy. WHERE was this shot taken?
Was it at the wacko place you house-sat for, and said was haunted?

Laura said...

um...lorelei??? have you started bleeding uncontrollably again???

wait....are you talking about the stains on the wall that look like someone wearing a dark sleeveless shirt? weird...I never saw that before.

no, this was taken when my mom was young, probably in New York. the haunted house we lived in was when I was in college and was in Marblehead, Massachusetts. the ghost liked turning faucets on full blast in the middle of the night. and moving heavy crates into the middle of my room.