Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Great Date

Had a fabulous date with my boy this afternoon.
Arboreteum fun, early dinner, puppy love...
We try to have mommy/son dates regularly.
Just the two of us.
Can't wait for the next one.


Anonymous said...

Oh I miss those!..I'll have to get my son to take me out sometime in the New Year....
Lovely photos .... did you have a good time over Christmas? Are you feeling refreshed?

Laura said...

Deirdre, I had a WONDERFUL Christmas!! Happy, fun times with my family...and NO FIGHTING!!!

I am feeling better physically, yet hesitate to call it 'refreshed'--maybe it's because I'm still sitting amidst a plethora of unfinished projects and the general mess that is my house and life.

But now that Christmas is over, I have no excuse--time to face the mess!!

Re: the photos--THANKS! I think the one of Jasper is one of the best I've taken in ages. And I love the one he took of me--the kid's got quite an eye for composition.

so...how was your Christmas?

Anonymous said...

Unlike every other Christmas in my life I did'nt go to Church this year..not necessarily a good or bad thing it just made Christmas different...and as me and my husband are drinking WAY less this year (two glasses of wine now and I'm chatty and tipsy...when we first met I would have a pint with a whisky chaser...this last year has been a journey for us with regard to looking at how much we drink and cutting back/out)we felt so much better, and for the first time I decided not to feel that everything would be my fault if people were disappointed/unhappy/bored, and the house was dusty or looking a little dog eared...it's a happy home for people who love each other, and it worked a treat as we were all relaxed, had a great time and there was no tension..you know this menopausal 50 plus stage of mine has been very empowering..I care less about unimportant things and cherish more the people in my life.. and that photo of Jasper...someone will just swoon when they see that someday (if not already!)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Deirdre (btw, mizz-- good for you on the commitment to 'calm down' with yer bad self) that Jasper's gonna make some gal a wonderful boyfriend.

He's still taking me to prom, though, right? Like, when I'm 50-something? With saggy neck and the "Hi, Betty" arms?

Laura said...

Lorelei, I read your comment to him just before bedtime and I explained what 'Hi Betty' arms were and the kid went off to sleep laughing...

Deirdre, I'm just like you with regard to alcohol. I was a late-comer to the world of drink, but made up for it in short order. I am now happily and gratefully sober--well, not so happily at times cuz I LOVE beer, but me and the drink are volatile lovers and I always wind up getting hurt by the relationship I have with it. So...better off not to have one, I guess. My body likes not being enslaved by it, though. Now, to kick the caffeine habit...

As far as the other stuff goes--cheers to you for really knowing what makes up a 'happy home'. The troubles I have with my 'mess' are less to do with what anyone else thinks of it and more to do with the simple fact that my brain is already always overstimulated (with the ADD) that it's way too frustrating for me not to have somewhere that's ordered, tranquil, whatever. I see my messes as the outward manifestation of my inner disorganization and I HATE THAT!! So...I work on one or the other at different times--clearing up either helps the other. Does that make sense?

It's 1 a.m.--sorry if I'm not making sense--I'm at my parents' and I just can't sleep even though I'm exhausted...so here I am. RAMBLING.

OK, I'll stop.
Try to crawl in next to junior and see if his snoring doesn't keep me up all night...