Tuesday, November 25, 2008


We've been going through boxes and boxes of old papers.
This is one from Jasper's 'reject' pile.

More gems to follow...


Anonymous said...

Of COURSE budgies get 1st class...


Laura said...

Yeah, well just wait 'til Rosa-Breasted Grosbeak parks her vent on that plane.

Lawdy Miss Clawdy, there's gonna be some feathers flyin' then!!!

Old Man Crowder said...

I'm a little perplexed at the highway in the lower right.

Heading southbound (down), you exit after the cloverleaf, do a figure 8, zig-zag through a bunch of hairpin turns heading north (up) and ultimately end up getting back on the highway.

It's like he's a planner for Quebec freeways.

Dude's mind is/was as convoluted as yours, I say.

Laura said...

I'll take that as a compliment on his behalf.

I could be wrong but I think those are supposed to be runways. For drunk avian pilots.