Thursday, May 17, 2007

Inside Pandora's Box

Hope sole remain'd within, nor took her flight,
Beneath the vessel's verge conceal'd from light.


Anonymous said...

Hey you! Happy to see you back...and I love the hair!
(and never ever think there is not hope...that's what keeps us all putting one foot in front of the other some days)

Laura said...

Hiya Dee. I still owe you a long, explanatory letter, don't I?? argh...I always seem to be one behind...

Not sure how it feels being back yet. Don't exactly feel like I AM. This feels like a 'stick my toes in the water and see if I wanna dive back in' kind of post, I think.

It's been awfully quiet around here, too. Mostly strangers coming by on the advice of Google searches for 'shaved beaver' and 'quadtwat'. And two in the same day from different countries with a search for 'I cain't hep mesef' Isn't that weird??

Anyhoo...we'll see how this all works out. Been spending my online time in other places lately. It's a big big cyberworld out there. Not sure if I like it. Not sure if I like being in this all-too-cozy little corner either. Not too sure I want to be online as much as I have been lately. The plan was to STAY OFF THE FRIGGIN' COMPUTER for a number of reasons. It obviously hasn't worked. Not yet, anyway.

Ah, me.

I have two meetings to go to tomorrow. With REAL LIVE PEOPLE. All in the same place together. Non-cyber interaction. Like the olden days. Geez...will I remember how it works, this T-A-L-K-I-N-G thing??? INTERACTING face-to-face...hmmm...

Laura said...

Oh, and thanks re: the hair. All that white is my 'natural' color nowadays. The blondish stuff was just a way to lighten up all my colored hair so the growing-out transition wasn't so shitty looking.

Not sure if I'm happy with it au natural. But I want to give it some time before I go diving back into a bottle. Pretty tired of doing that.


Anonymous said...

....WHOO! She is STORM of the Justice Alliance Superhero League.

Or something like that. I'm not up on my SuperFriends crap.

Honeychile... I had such a wonderful day. What a Feckin' Treat to be a VIP!!!

I... ROCK.

Dorion Rose said...

Welcome back Laura.

Laura said...

thanks for the greetings, but I'm a bit of a downer today.

meh...fuck hope. that's how I'm feeling right now. isn't that pathetic?? to have someone be able to reduce me to this? (over and over and over...)

I don't know if I can do this again, people. The same old reasons apply. The same old reason, rather, as that one is quite enough.

M jus' gone wait for the cicada song to come...see if I can divine any new insight/direction from it. buys me a few days, anyhow.

bear with me, friends.

Laura said...

where ARE those friggin' bugs, anyway?

we keep looking, yet they refuse to surface in our neck of the woods.

bastards better show up and start their dronesong soon...I've got some divining to do.

crunchy motherfuckers...

Old Man Crowder said...

Cicadas only come out when the temperature reaches 28 degrees Celcius (I think).

I'm not sure if that's the right temperature, but it's pretty close.

Yeah...I'm a geek.

Laura said... I have to remember what the conversion formula is for Fahrenheit. (multiply by 5/9? or 9/5? add or subtract 32 degrees. Something like that...crap...)

Or I could just go outside and look around again.

Laura said...

So...I stayed the night at Barbara's to watch her girls (she's in the next town over--just a few miles away). On the way over, driving up Park, I FINALLY saw evidence of the Great Emersion. Discarded shells speckled all the mature parkway trees. But at her house...nuthin'.

Until this morning.

And there they were. Not on the tree trunks. Not high up...but all over the weeds in her yard. Just a foot or two off the ground. Casings stuck haphazardly, like the glued pasta of a kindergartener's art project.

So, I'm getting wigged out by all the casings and that's when I notice the bugs themselves. All around me. Silent. Motionless. Red eyes. Freaky. I head back inside, shuddering.

By mid afternoon, they'd migrated to higher ground.

But guess what?? Still none here in MY neighborhood. I'm starting to think the Christians persecuted them in some heinous 1990 Cicada Inquisition. Before they had the chance to spew out their progeny.

Or maybe I just have to wait another day.