Monday, March 26, 2007


Why is it that when faced with death,
we feel compelled to poke at it with a big stick?


Old Man Crowder said...

My family:
Billy: "Aw, Mom! What's that dead thing?"

Mother: "Forget it, Billy. It's disgusting."

Billy: (poke, poke, poke) "Cool! It's all slimy and bloated!"

Mother: "Billy stop that and get away from there!"

YOUR family:
Billy: "Aw, Mom! What's that dead thing?"

Mother: "I don't know, Billy. Let's get a stick and jab at it!"

Billy: "Cool! Look how his eyes are all glassy!"

Mother: "I wonder if this stick will fit up his butt?"

Verdict: You're the cooler mother.

Laura said...

yep, I am.

Anonymous said...

Uh, WHERE'S the link to Captain & Tennile's 'Muskrat Love'?

Oh, wait... here it is

Laura said...

oh yeah.