Anybody got a dream interpretation book handy?
Anyway, this is my favorite picture from when I WAS pregnant.
And before you even ask...Brandon stopped shaving his beard when he found out I was gonna have a baby. And he didn't shave it off until after Jasper was born.
And is that the reflection of your belly in the sunglasses? It almost seems as if a pregnant Laura is taking the picutre.
A pregnant Laura IS taking the picture... it is a family portrait, boyo. Me, Brandon, and little Galaxie Jones (the name we gave our child when he was still in utero and his sex was unbeknownst to us).
You'll let us all know when it's finally determined won't you?
What, the sex of my child?
Or the results of my pregnancy dreams...they have actually been sequential and progressive and started just around the time I last got laid...
Awww, thanks for sharing.
I meant the sex of your child. I remember when you mentioned explaining the birds and bees to him early, and my playing catch with him soon after that. He took a one hopper to the tummy, but his eyes got big and he pretended it hit him lower. I remember him saying to me,"uhh...Rntzen, right in the vulva!"
Sometimes, a little information is dangerous.
My friend Margaret was really big on teaching her daughter the proper names for things. One day 3-year-old Ellie gets all excited and shouts, "Look Mom...a BABY!!!" Not seeing an infant anywhere nearby Margaret answers, "Where?" To which precocious little Ellie replies, "In that lady's uterus!" and points to a pregnant woman standing nearby.
And I just didn't understand your question is all, mister, no attitude, OK?
Yes, letting your child know the proper terms too early has the potential to bite you in the ass. I'd dread the day my little one renders the crowd silent with a comment about her nipples or 'gyna.
No attitude given, missie, just pure humor is all, and of course a little sarcasm at your TMI.
WTF is TMI?? Or don't I wanna know...
ohhh...too much information...I get it now...DUH!! Well it's not like I told you WHEN the last time I got laid was. Just that my dreams started shortly thereafter, that's all.
Brandon's happy trail, er, beard, is sitting in the freezer next to Ambrose right? Or did you use it to stuff Franco?
I've been having weird dreams too lately. I dream I'm a hot , raven-haired drawing student, and everyone is staring at my ass, and for some reason, I'm self-conciuos that it's better than my front side.
Whatever could it mean?
It means you're a smartass freak who still likes to make his ex-girlfriend laugh. And that's a very nice thing most of the time.
Aww, shucks. Sweet-talkin's mom. Most of the time it's meant to be a very nice thing. I do love to make people laugh, intentionally at least, but sometimes, you'll take what you can get for the crowd's approval.
In the interest of TMI, have you dreamed of an ultrasound yet or are you in the dark as to the sex of your awaited child?
oh, I think it's time to abort the little fucker anyway. his daddy, it turns out, is quite the heartless bastard.
but you all already knew that.
seems that I was the only one who didn't.
Oh, you just go on with your bad self, that's the only guys you dig or give a real chance. One of these days some guy will treat you like crap until you swoon, and then , when you're not looking, he will show his true colors and treat you as you deserve, and it will be too late, you will already have fallen for him. I can't wait to see you sweat through a good relationship. By the by, happy birthday Mr. E, must be nice to be remembered like that.
I'm just joking Laura, except for the part about wishing you a good guy at some point that you too are into.
Thank you Karl. And hopefully you mean remembered like that as in having my b-day mentioned in the post and not having my b-day associated with Zoey's passing.
Right the first time Senor E. . I'm alot of things, a jackass at the forefront of the list, but I wouldn't do anything to dishonor the death of a beloved animal. I did mean the b-day mention in the post.
I must be slipping, didn't even think of the alternative.
I just burped an iced coffee burp.
(thought I'd throw that out there, seeing as my mind is like a deflated whoopee cushion right now)
I envy you. I had one of those gross orange juice burps earlier, where a little puke comes up and burns your throat the rest of the day. Not fun.
Coffee break's over Lor, time to go back and make more of the funny with the Bilja character.
She sends me.
Ahhh...Bilja. That tiresome little troll. But a crack harmonica player. And quite the house cleaner, too. Always seems to spy the dustbunnies better than anyone else I've ever known. Wonder why that is.
Play me on my merry way, Bilja-woman. And do ye a merry jig whilst ye blow...
I'll do it, and soon. But due to your dream-thingies, I had to make a dreamy entry of me own...
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