Man, I can't believe no one picked him out. Isn't 'Danny Senior' like the most uber-All-American-type name you can imagine? Isn't this kid like the most uber-All-American-circa-1972 kid you've ever seen??? Wouldn't you naturally put those two clues together?? And I thought guessing him was a no-brainer...
Oh well. Hey, thanks to everyone who played. It was fun.
Maybe I should post pics of my most recent crush and see if you can pick HIM out...
Talk about a quirky series of mental associations. I guess we had to be you!
You probably shouldn't post that current pic, the pressure of being crushed upon by you might be too much for him. All that Goddess Power being directed at him and whatnot.
Yeah, I s'pose. But why is that? The pressure of my crush being more than one can handle? Why??
p.s. "Quirky series of mental associations" is my middle name. Really.
ok...not really. but it oughtta be.
The idea was that all your Goddess Power directed at them might be more than they can handle (unless they're made of stronger fabric) and was meant to be a compliment, not to provoke. Perhaps it was just the end product of a quirky series of mental associations ;-)
hmmm...I'm seeing a pattern emerge here--'mental' and 'Laura' teaming up with increased frequency lately... 8^0
Yes, Cletus dear, I know it was a compliment. And I am blushing in more places than I care to admit because of it. Thank you.
I may be an Awesomely Hot Rock & Roll Art Goddess, boyz. But still, I'm just a girl...standing in front of a boy...asking him to love me...and not to rip in the process.
Argh, Cletus. First you got me comparing you to Keanu Reeves, and NOW I'm doing sappy Julia Roberts quotes. No wonder you're questioning my mental state.
I have always been proud to associate with other quirky mentals, no matter what the state.
Illinois, Washington, Pennsylvania...it's all good then, eh?
Quirky Mentals of the TrustProof Nation unite!!
Boyhowdy, he's dreaaaaamy....
Wonder what he's doing now?
Perhaps zipping around on his private Spy Jet, dodging bullets and having kink-o trysts with Europeans named Zania who like it rough?
Or sitting in his trailer, eating chee-tos off his belly while watching "Judge Judy"?
Oh, the fantasmagorical choices...
Kink-o-Trysts...the kind of crackers you wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating???
No, wait. That would be Kink-o-Triscuits. Sorry, my bad...
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