p.s. Update on gallery/show stuff--Dean, the 'other' partner wants to open next week and is making a bit of a stink about it. But he doesn't seem particularly invested in doing the work which would guarantee that all is good to go by then. As I've got a wedding to go to tomorrow, and Barbara is out of town Sun-Tue, I suspect the following week is a more realistic goal. (For anyone in the Chicagoland area, the gallery is on Harrison Street in Oak Park--just west of Austin--which is sort of an 'Art District' with lots of small galleries. Once I get the final hee-haw about date/time etc... I will post it here).
I showed Barbara some of my work this morning and we decided to go with some of my older stuff for this first show--some of the pieces I'm working on now will fit better in a future show dealing with erotica (yay--gives me more time to struggle with them/have them 'evolve') Not to say that the pieces I'm putting in this first show DON'T have an erotic aspect to them--most of my work does in some way--it's just that the new stuff deals with issues of sexuality (especially within the context of 'relationships') more directly. Anyway, it was good to get some feedback from her and to have input on some of the issues I usually struggle with--how a piece can be shown to best effect, how to pull disparate elements together more cohesively--that kind of stuff. Barbara has had a gallery before and has a knack for pulling it all together. Which is a godsend, cuz I've never had any clue...
Hey, at least you can say that you have the ass of a 12 year old.
Wait...Is that too creepy?
Yeah, probably...but so is the thought of any 12-year-old wearing these shorts.
(Although a 42 year old oughtn't really be wearing anything called 'Ms. NEW Booty' either, but it's not like I OWN the damn things. Yet, anyway. 8^D)
i think you should ware themthere to the godan Opening! And proudly!!!
(ocean liner)
umm. yeah.
you in the vicinity? you wanna come to the opening? make sure you 'un-anonymous' yerself if ya do...
Barbara just bought a tu-tu at the Salvation Army today--mebbe she'll wear THAT and we'll just be a coupla weirdo artbabes with pale skin and pretty eyes and crotch-bearing outfits...whoo!
'Hey mister...wanna buy a sculpture?'
I would have like to see the entire outfit. Also, doesn't look to me like you were using proper lifting techniques- no wonder your back hurts. Remember- always bend your knees not your back. Don't need you injuring yourself again in the name of art. :)
Little hussy! Burn in HELL!
Yeah, that's right! I said HELLLLL! HELLLLLLL, I say! May the Lord deposit it you right into Satan's bonery lap and force you to do awful pantomime acts of unspeakable doofiness while the maggots crawl in and out your nasal cavities and eyesockets and ruin your whiteface makeup!
Actually, you really should send the original owner of said shorts off to Forever Camp... because you own them shorts NOW, woman.
Um...I take it this is a compliment?? Uh, well...THANKS!!
Satan's Bonery Lap...my new My Life With the Thrill Kill Cult tribute band...
Will there be a hornball Gopher and Captain Stiffy there?
I always liked I-Sack, 'specially the way he'd do the "You tha Man!" bangy-fingers in the intro...
...Anyone? Anyone? Loveboat theme? GET IT?
Ship doctor = Tool. Ha!
Hey there. Me again.
I just noticed that you've got your pinky finger extended.
Ron has taught you well!
Old Man Darlin', Ron taught me lots of things, but HotHotOutPinkieAction was not one of them...I had THAT perfected long before I met the illustrious Mr. Slattery. I'm one o' dem kultcha'ed native New Yawka broads, y'know...dat kinda shit comes natcharul to me...
Oh natural...
now I understand...
Let it never be said that innuendo is a lost art.
Anyway, hope things are moving along well with the space, sculpture, etc.
Someone could post a comment about your front side not being much to look at compared to the back (not true by the way)and that you are a raven-haired hussy, but people who say things like that in their blogs are just mean.
Ha-Ha! Man, still hangin' on to that Ron thing? What was that like a 2 week romance? Don't do a long-term mourn on this one, people will start to think you're not right in the head, which isn't the case. And besides, it keeps him checking for his name instead of out there on the open road which is his calling.
wtf...what's with all this passive-agressive bullshit, Karl?
Uh...yeah.Don't you remember that Anon thingee about the raven-haired girl at all?
And the Ron thing? He's reading these you know?it was more a bash on him, dork.
Yeah I remember that post. But as it is MY blog and as I was the one who made the comment about her not being as good-looking from the front, how am I not to conclude that you were commenting about ME being the mean one? That's what it sounded like to me.
And the Ron thing? I didn't bring him up in the first place, I only responded in what I intended to be a humorous way. His name really is superfluous to the content of that particular post. Whether or not Ron reads these posts is nothing I have control over. He is as welcome to as anyone. But at any rate, I'm not seeing your comments as anything more than a knock in my direction. And I have read them a number of times. Besides, if you are bashing him, it's because of your own stuff not because of mine. And that's nothing I have solicited from you.
As far as all the other issues, I think we covered them in the email, hon.
Wow, thanks, I've learned a valuable lesson. Ron I'm sorry, you are more than welcome here. I was bashing you for my own...um...things, and not because you hurt my friend, and I thought she was trying to move past that.It obviously is a good idea to keep bringing you up.
And I still don't get how you don't get the first part of the post, but, whatever.
And how did WE cover something in YOUR e-mail? How does that work?
um...I covered things in my email to you. you covered things in your 3 emails back to me.
as usual, we don't see things the same at all. you then request that I take my "harem of exes" and "stay the fuck away" from you.
ok. done.
I'm sure your girlfriend will be glad to know it. Cuz, apparantly, being friends with people you used to date is really just wrong. God forbid that anyone should still have a desire to maintain contact with someone they once held very dear to them. It can ONLY be for nefarious sexual reasons, right?
Do you have any idea how difficult it is to maintain a friendship with someone you've been romantically involved with when they have subsequently chosen to give their hearts, souls, and bodies to another person, not you? Of course you do. Why the fuck do you think I would constantly subject myself to that--you have this idea that I do it in order to feel desired--how does that work? Each of them has chosen to be with someone else. Or at least not with me. How is that supposed to make me feel desirable?
I have to constantly deal with the same kinds of feelings you are dealing with--the same disappointments, anger, resentment, insecurity--whatever. I do it because the payoff of maintaining these friendships is greater than the difficulties. Your friendship means a lot to me. That's why I tried to maintain it. Yes, the circumstances are flip-flopped in our case. You are the one who has to burden the more difficult role, feel the more acute feelings. I had hoped my friendship was worth enough to you to be able to shoulder those difficulties. But I know how painful they can be and sometimes it's more than one wants to deal with. I'm sorry that it's so difficult for you. And I'm sorry that you think I'm inflicting this pain deliberately. I'm not. But I can't seem to get you to see that.
This may now be totally off the subject, but I met the original 'Ms. New Booty' last night. I was tempted to send her off to Forever Camp like you suggested Lorelei, but I didn't know the directions.
Don't mean to BUTT in here, but back to the photo-- has anyone else here noticed that there are 2 "booty" photos that seem to have drawn close to the most comments.
right you are, anon. just 2 more (one more after this) to tie up the score...
c'mon, don't leave MY butt pulling up the rear.
(p.s. second place is currently held by my nekkid pregnant belly/boobie combo... which makes me #1 comment getter overall. I so rule this blog!!)
MY ass is now the official winner. Take THAT, Raven!!
I'll have to agree. Always thought your ass was a winner.
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