It got awfully hot going through Barbara's storage shed this afternoon, looking for decorative accoutrements for the gallery space. And I was wearing hot, bulky jeans. So Babs (as we like to call her when we're feeling especially frisky) offered to lend me a pair of her daughter's shorts. Well, these actually belong to a friend of her 12-year-old daughter. Who lets their prepubescent child WEAR something like this, anyway?? My sorting ensemble was quite humorous, actually, as it was bottomed off with my Docs and white sport socks. KLASSY, eh?? Anyhoo, they got me through the heat of the day a little more comfortably, so who am I to complain?
p.s. Update on gallery/show stuff--Dean, the 'other' partner wants to open next week and is making a bit of a stink about it. But he doesn't seem particularly invested in doing the work which would guarantee that all is good to go by then. As I've got a wedding to go to tomorrow, and Barbara is out of town Sun-Tue, I suspect the following week is a more realistic goal. (For anyone in the Chicagoland area, the gallery is on Harrison Street in Oak Park--just west of Austin--which is sort of an 'Art District' with lots of small galleries. Once I get the final hee-haw about date/time etc... I will post it here).
I showed Barbara some of my work this morning and we decided to go with some of my older stuff for this first show--some of the pieces I'm working on now will fit better in a future show dealing with erotica (yay--gives me more time to struggle with them/have them 'evolve') Not to say that the pieces I'm putting in this first show DON'T have an erotic aspect to them--most of my work does in some way--it's just that the new stuff deals with issues of sexuality (especially within the context of 'relationships') more directly. Anyway, it was good to get some feedback from her and to have input on some of the issues I usually struggle with--how a piece can be shown to best effect, how to pull disparate elements together more cohesively--that kind of stuff. Barbara has had a gallery before and has a knack for pulling it all together. Which is a godsend, cuz I've never had any clue...