In the grand scheme of things this is such a minor dilemma, but here goes...I'm contemplating bangs again. Bettie Page Artbabe bangs. The last time I had bangs was here, in 1998. This hippie girl, Kathy, who I worked with at Whole Foods, did 'em for me at a hippie party in her back yard, surrounded by--you guessed it--other hippies. I have a picture of the event somewhere. I'll have to look for it. I was wearing a hippie dress she had sewn for me with Hello Kitty on it. ANYWAY, I think the bangs look pretty groovy in these pics. So...any thoughts anybody? Should I or shouldn't I...
Crap, I just remembered--Kathy didn't cut my hair. LAYLA did. She was a smart, funky ska chick who also worked at Whole Foods. I KNEW it didn't make sense that a hippie girl famous for flying her pit flags high would've agreed to the removal of ANY hair, ESPECIALLY in the presence of her hirsute brethren. Nope--Layla did it. She had Lorelei hair. Very short and very red. Tres sexy on the right women. Feisty.
ab-so-bloomin-lutely...it's just hair, it will grow, and anyway a fringe can sometimes change your whole face around (uuummm.. I meant that in a good way, there is nothing wrong with your face!)and make you greet the world with a different kind of attitude...go for it girl
WTF do I know about hair?! Go for it, you can always change it again later.
Yeah...WTF DO you know about hair, oh ye of the perpetually fuzzy pate??
Does that mean I'M sexy? Because them stinky polyester Superior monkey suits gots me feeling otherwise.
Jeebus help me. Fer Crissake.
I think you should try le Bang. Eet ees sexee and fiereee and oohlala and all zat, and make the hornee mans think you come from art galleree and crave zee coffee and zee cigarette in zee long holder (heh-heh, boys. choking on weenie fantasy, no?) BUT YOU DO NOT! No... you are...
...simply trying newish shit on your hair. Go for it! YEAH!
Hey! I rode with an extreeeemly cool person today (my partner called in) who does character act/sing-along for the Saturday midnight showings of Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Hollywood Blvd. Theater in Woodridge. I'm thinking of going tomorrow night. What say? Word? Babs too? I know it'd be late, but fuck, man! Naps? And then hey now?
erm...mebbe not tomorrow cuz we gots to work early on Sunday haulin' and sellin'. but in a coupla weeks once the flea is gone for the season.
I'm only speakin' fer myself, though. I'd like the opportunity to get more than an hour and a half of sleep before hitting the market for once. But the Atomic Babe--hell, she's such a partygirl...
So ANYHOO--sounds like you all want me to get banged. Whoo! It's been so long I've forgotten what it feels like...
I hope whoever does it is gentle with me. No hair pulling and simulated choking this time, please.
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