Take this bracelet, for instance. I bought it about a month ago--with the express intention of flipping it for a good profit. It is a gorgeous jelly opal and sterling Navajo tourist bracelet from the 1930's. I'd love to hang onto it, but considering how often I'd actually wear it that wouldn't make sense. Why? Cuz I'll probably get about 10 times the price I paid for it when I sell it on Ebay. That's why. And until life circumstances change, I need the money more than I need the bracelet, no matter how beautiful it is.
I'm gonna list it tonight, after a similar piece I have up ends.
But right now I'm running out to the Salvation Army to continue my search for parts of Jasper's Halloween costume. And my own. More on those later.
Wonder-Woman-y! I'll take that AND the Celtic cross for a Vicodin!
You got Vicodin????
Uh... mebbe I do... and meeebbee I don't.
I'm quite certain I've got the phone numbers of a few horny psych patients who totally have access to said Vico-Town. You want?
Uh... mebbe I do... and meeebbee I don't.
p.s. I think I gots me the Flea Market Flu...so pfffft to you on your 'suck it up' comment, beeyotch!!
"Oh...I really AM sick!!"
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