Friday, June 23, 2006


...Lola...La la la la Lo-la-uh...


Anonymous said...

So you stopped shaving down there huh?

Laura said...

yep. and I grew eyes so I can see you coming.

Anonymous said...

pun intended of course. You had eyes once before though, don't forget the smiley face band-aid when your aim was off.

Laura said...

heh...I wish I had photos of the drawings from THAT session.

I was shaving the old mons pubis (aka mowing the velvet vulva) when I cut myself on the scar from my ectopic pregnancy. And this an hour before work. So I grabbed the only bandaid I could find to slap onto it, which happened to be a round yellow smiley face 'Have a Nice Day' bandaid.

Many of drawings from that session portrayed me smiling in at least two places. Maybe more, depending on the angle 8^P

Anonymous said...

Well don't you just put Patti to shame. Makes her seem sad when she poses now.

One part of you is always happy.