I miss him desperately at times. He challenged me to be a better person, and loved me despite my shortcomings. He was kind and funny and flawed. Just like me. And he was hopeful and honest and patient and, above all else, forgiving.
I've tried to be these things to the people I love. I don't feel particularly successful with any of it lately, but I'm trying. I miss you, Mamalon. I wish I could see you just one more time and tell you how much I love you and how much you meant to me.
Amen, sista. I think frequently of my friend, Heather, from college, who exited quite abruptly from this world, thanks to an underage idiot who plowed into her car just outside of New Orleans (Mardi Gras time, you know). I know it sounds lame when the term, "they were so full of life" pops up in eulogy... but this was the case. She was just so wonderful that I really believe God simply got greedy and wanted the entertainment all to himself up there. I miss her so, and am saddened by the fact that she has missed out on so much, but moreso, the world is missing out on what she could have done with it.
I'm sorry for your loss, Gale. When we are feeling the loss of our loved one it takes so little to open the floodgates back up all over again...that's just the continual process of healing, I guess. Pain and reprieve...pain and reprieve...we are only given what we can handle at any given moment...that's what they say, anyway. But since I always seem to survive these depths, these moments of despair, I suppose 'they' are right. I haven't had a feeling that's killed me yet. But over the years I've done an awful lot of stuff to avoid feelings that in actuality brought me closer to death. Stupid, awful stuff. And on the other side...the feelings were still waiting. Eternally patient.
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