Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Ready or not, Little Baby,
you're coming out today!

Born at 3:40 p.m.
7 lb 15 oz (just like MY baby!)
21 inches long
Head full of black curly hair
(just like her daddy)

Welcome Baby-to-be-named-later...


Anonymous said...

Super Hooray for the arrival of Libra-Girl!!!

Can I recommend names? These are a few I absolutely adore, but since I'm not trying to get pregnant, I just pretend my farts are baby girls.

Here we go:

(1) Oh, Lordy..
(2) WHAT was THAT?
(3) You Better Move Away for A Bit; No, REALLY.
(4) You Totally Missed That Elephant Who Ran Under My Chair And Trumpeted Somethin' Craazy

...HAHA! I Kid! I write in jest! (over a kid. get it? hoo!)


(1) Laura/ Lauren/ Laurel-- Why? Duh. We're famous, yo!
(While Lorelei is quite enchanting, but legends state a maiden by said name lures fisher-dudes to their deaths with her song. Don't want THAT on the conscience)

(2) Gaelen-- Means "calm". The masculine appropriation of the name (galen) is the only one i can find online in history, but what the hell? Tradition is meant to be trounced upon, I say!

(3) Fiona-- Means "fair". This is the feminine adapt of the traditionally Gaelic male nomer 'Fionn'-- a lad who totally turned, like, super-wise and led a completely super successful, batshit battle after he ate an enchanted salmon. Go, Fish!

(4) Hannah-- Means "favor; grace". Anna is the obviously shortened version of this. My neighbor has a 13 year-old girl named Hannah, and she's the shit.

(5) Olivia-- Possibly means, in Norman-French from a few hundred years ago, "elf-army".

You definitely don't want these lil' guys gnawing at your shins and whatnot, so measure daily growth,
wear appropriate shin-guard stuff, and remember that one day when she or they are all toddling around, teething on toasters and electrical outlets.. you can call em 'Livvy'.

Whoakay! That's MY 0.02!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world baby-to-be- named..and congrats to the ma and pa and all other relatives...health and happiness baby!

Laura said...

The Baby-to-be-named-later has been named: Maya. I've always loved that name--it was one I'd considered for a daughter.

I am very anxious to go see her, but am waiting until tomorrow because I've got a head cold.

FINALLY a GIRL in the family!! This is my parents' first granddaughter (after 3 grandsons) And what a gap in ages with those grandchildren-- Dylan is 21, Devin is 12, Jasper is 11 and now Maya...

Anyhoots. Thank you for your good wishes--I will pass them on to the proud mum and dad.