Caution: After just one of these you may subsequently
feel compelled to consume the rest of the haul.

p.s. Most of the family favorites (anything choco-peanutbuttery)
were already consumed by picture-taking time.
p.p.s. As I was posting this, my child just did an updated candy count:
251 pieces. And this after 24 hours of post-Trick-or-Treating familial candy bingeing.
Goin a little OCD in that last photo, are ye?
um...yeah...that was me.
But didn't you do stuff like that?? We'd come home, spill all our sugar loot out onto the carpet, sort, count, trade, make candy trains...and guard our Peanut Butter Cups from Mimi's stickyfingers.
That beeyotch always loved eating all our peanut butter cups.
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