Chopines are platform shoes that were worn in Venice in the 15th and 16th centuries. Usually by courtesans or upper class women (as a show of wealth). I nearly flipped when I saw these, as I have been doing a lot of reading about historic costume lately, and have been especially fascinated with these shoes (I've always been a sucker for platforms, the higher the better. And ankle straps...god, don't get me started on ankle straps. The shoes I wore for my First Holy Communion were ankle straps, if that gives you any idea...) ANYHOO, it's nice that Jerry Hall finally decided to let us in on the secret of her apparant height--leather-covered cork and a slow, steady gait.
Here's a page about
Fascinating info on the chopines Laura....I also heard that the venetian ladies of the night managed to avoid all the regular city flooding (canals and sewage etc.,)by standing in one place on their platform shoes. I used to wear green leather platforms when I was young but as I'm already tall and my friends were not I found I felt a bit like an amazon and so have spent most of my time since then in flats..until a few weeks ago when I bought some red leather ankle straps..I had so many compliments wearing them It quite made my day!
How was the fair? Was it wench or fair maiden day for you?
I thought they were used to elevate the skirts so as not to wade in the pee and poo-lined streets, what with all the chamber-pot dumping out the windows and such.
I also recall having read that this is where the "walking the damsel on the inside of the sidewalk/ closer to housewalls" originated... you know, so that when piddle-and-poop urns were emptied out them winders, the projectile was such that it would most often hit the guy.
But perhaps that is just my wishful thinking?
'Gardez L'eau!'
Deirdre--are you trying to make me jealous with mention of red ankle strap shoes?? Cuz it's working. I only have one pair of ankle straps at the moment--they're blue suede platforms, and yes, not many people can step on them because they are so tall. 8^)
The fair was lovely--perfect weather. I wound up going as fair maiden cuz all my mud wench clothes were at the cleaners 8^D. (I jest, of course--I was hurried for time and therefore just threw on a white shift and a cotton 1930's nightgown over it--very airy and comfortable and not at all 'authentic', but oh well...definitely 'maiden-y' though.
I'm so jealous of the sunshine you seem to be enjoying.....although I really love each season here we are pretty short on sunshine ...
it will soon be very Autumnal and get dark early...what was the food on offer at the fair? and was there drink?
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